Bridging the Gap Between Church and Software

It’s taken me a long time to finally start blogging.  But hey!  I’ve been busy for the last 15 years building a church and building a software company.  “I’d rather build it than write about it any day.”  That’s just how I’m wired.  So why am I starting now?  I finally landed in a place where it’s now part of my job to write, dream, plan, promote ideas, and keep a pulse on church technology.

So what’s this blog about?  Since the day I laid my hands on my first computer back when personal computers were first coming out, I knew that it had huge implications for the church.  I decided then that I want to dedicate my life to the place where ministry meets technology.  Specifically, I chose to concentrate on software technology.  Sounds simple enough, right?  But I quickly figured out there are huge questions to answer and problems to solve in how to bridge the gap between using great software and applying it to accomplish great ministry.

One of the first questions that continues to be asked for over two decades now, “What kind of software & technology can be used to expand the Kingdom of God?”  What’s appropriate?  Not all software is useful or appropriate for ministry.  And not all technology is affordable for churches.  And the answer to the question is a constantly moving target because new things keep getting invented that have a profound impact on the ministry of the church, not to mention our daily lives!

Secondly, and this question is even more difficult, “How do we get pastors and church leaders to use great software technology?”    I suppose I should make my bias clear… my company creates really great tools that would make a tremendous difference in helping churches accomplish the great commission if they understood their value and actually used them.   So I write to help answer those two questions “Why use it?”   “And how?”

And lastly, and this question is the hardest, “How do we build ministry processes in our church so that it keeps growing larger and smaller at the same time?”  Before you start throwing stuff at me and accusing me of being in the corporate world too long, let me re-phrase that last question like this, “How do we reach an ever increasing number of people for Jesus while at the same time helping each individual grow into Christ-likeness?”  I am convinced that if you are doing all the things Jesus commanded us to do, MANY people will be attracted to it.  You will quickly outgrow your ability to love and grow all those people yourself.  You will need to train others so they can do what you are doing.   And then you will need leaders of leaders.   This is a ministry process.  And that’s one of the key differences between churches that grow and those that don’t.  And this is where the software piece comes in…software can help you with the process.

It’s gonna be fun.  Thanks for reading.